Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Top 10 Things of the Summer #8: The St. Louis Arch

I visited St. Louis for the first time at the end of July to see my friend Jeff who recently moved there. The city proper is average, especially when compared with Chicago, or even Indy, I felt, but the enormous silver arch sets its skyline apart from any other city. I was surprised at its size (1/2 the height of the Sears Tower) when I first drove into the city, and its presence seemed almost otherworldly, as if it had not been built but descended, or as if it were more a part of the sky itself.

Because the arch is, well, arched, conventional elevators could not be installed, so someone came up with the idea to send people to the top in pods connected to a pulley system. The pods contain five tiny seats, zero leg room, and an arched roof that ensures that no one can sit up straight. Basically, it was designed with the Olsen twins in mind.

The inside of one of the pods:

The view from the top was amazing, though, and well worth the miserable ride.

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